
Boston Common


Boston Ballet presents CINDERELLA http://www.bostonballet.org/season/performances/cinderella.aspxStudents can buy a ticket with only $20. (x Students can view by paying only $20.) The stage set was great, especially, the pumpkin carriage (…

red sky in the morning

It will rain again... There were some flooding places in Boston. [日本語] こちらにきた木曜日から10日間近く雨が降っていました. 家宅浸水していた地域もあった模様.どうやら雨男らしいかも.研究室の方に聞いたら「こんなに雨ふったことないよ」と.…

pumpkin pumpkin

Helloween is coming (x reaching). Many (x A lot of) pumpkins are in the town. This is the first time for me to experience this (x that) festival. [日本語] 隣の地下鉄の駅から歩いてきました. 街中,かぼちゃに汚染されてきました. いったいどん…

My house

It Looks good, doesn't it? There are a lot of foreign people in this house. America, China, Korea, India, German... [日本語] 家の外観. 住んでいる人の国籍はかなりばらばらです. 大家さんが外国からの学生を優先的にいれているらしい.

Today’s lunch

Vegitable fried rice & sour and hot soup.炒めご飯?(+わずかな野菜)+ 酸辣湯. どうやらこの国の人は人間を太らせたいらしい.食べきれない. 今日も雨.

Goldon McKay Library

There are a lot of libraries in the campus. The most sophisticated one might be law school library. This picture is for engineering students.[日本語] 図書館です(工学系の学生用). 全部で39箇所あるのか? ロースクールの図書館はかなり立派で…

Dr. Nakamatsu in MIT

Today there was a informal lecture on this year's Ig novel prize in MIT.http://www.improb.com/ig/ig-top.htmlWhat I was surprised was that a strange person Dr. Nakamatsu won the nutorition prize. Also his lecture was so strange."What is MIT…

today’s lunch

As Dr. Nakamatsu did, I would like to record my every lunch in weekday. Today's lunch is a kind of fried vegetables with beef.[日本語] 気が向いたときだけ食事の写真を撮ってみようかと. 毎日お昼にやってくる中華料理のワゴン車で価格は$3. 味は…

Haruki Murakami in MIT

A famous writer Haruki Murakami came to the MIT. A lot of audience waiting for him, and many people couldn't hear his talk, unfortunately.His life and his works is Jazz-like, I thought.This picture is a guy in the university campus who has…

First meeting with my Boss

I had a research meeting with my Boss. It seemed that he liked my current research stuff, especially on haptic illusion. [日本語] 受け入れていただいている教授とのミーティング. 現在の研究内容については興味を持っていただいた模様.

My first day in Harvard

I started my research life in USA today. And also I found my roommates around Davis station. It seemed to me that it was good, but I would find that the room was very small comparing to the other rooms. However, $600 is relatively reasonab…

Finally arrived at Boston

What a busy life. I got to Boston and stayed my friend Zoz room in MIT. [日本語] バタバタしながら無事ボストンに到着しました. なし崩しに一度しか会ったことのないMITの友達の家に転がり込んでとりあえず宿確保. そして感謝.